Friday 10 February 2012


Today in Critical Literacy class, I have been learning one skills that eventually can help in my study. Sir Kamaraziz has taught us about M.A.R.R. It is very interesting to learn about new method that students should be done to get a better understanding about the content of passage that we have been learning. 

M- Mapping 
A- Annotation
R- Review
R- Repeat 

  •   Mapping is the mind mapping of heading and subheading about the certain topic.
  •    Annotation is the details about the sentences. The sentences have to be label.
  •   Review is about to check back the mind map that you have been doing.
  •         Repeat is the action of constructing information without referring to mind map.


Happiness is something that is very from one person to another. All people in the world would have different perception about happiness in their life. Some might be saying that they feel happy when they are helping other people but some might say that they are happy by doing negative thing such as breaking the laws. The expert said that there is a relationship between kindness and happiness. The research has been conducted by researchers at Harvard Business School and the University of British Columbia.It has been published online on Journal of Happiness Studies.The result of the research indicates that good deeds do in fact make people feel good and kindness bring even more profound effect on our happiness.

Can happiness really be purchased?  Is happiness achieved by maximizing pleasure, earning fame and fortune, or living a life of unlimited leisure?  

Truthfully in our culture, people in society usually believed that happiness is achieved when you become rich, powerful, or popular. The young generations usually want to be that popular pop idol because they think that the happiness will come after they are able to get everything that they want but for me, happiness is not rely on things such as money and popularity only. For example, rich people are not always happy because they might think that one day someone will stole their money. It proves that not everyone will become happy if they have power and money. The thing that people always do to seek happiness is by removing all stress, sadness, and irritations. It might be work for some people and might not be work for others. It is actually depends on the person himself/herself because we actually have different degree of happiness.

As most of us have come to realise, happiness makes our lips, faces and hearts to smile but sometimes, in order to achieve happiness, people attempt to follow complicated paths rather than taking the easier path. In Islam, happiness can be achieved by sincere worship, hastening to do virtuous, noble and beautiful deeds, and by performing acts of kindness or giving charity. The nature of the human condition means that amongst the happiness there may be great sorrow and within the pain and despair there may be great joy. If we are being kind to other people, we will be happy in the world and hereafter.

“And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking God’s pleasure while they are sure and certain that God will reward them (for their spending in His Cause), is the likeness of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest.  And if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it.” (Quran 2:265)

In my opinion, perfect happiness will only be available to us if we spend life everlasting in Paradise.  It is only there that we will find total peace and security.  It is only there that we will be free of the fear, anxiety and pain that are part of the human condition. 

Here, I want to share 7 ways to increase happiness:

1.         Avoid comparisons.
2.         Smile, even when you don’t feel like it.
3.         Get out and exercise.
4.         Make friends and treasure family.
5.         Say thank you like you mean it.
6.         Give it away, give it away now!
7.         Put money low on your list of priorities.

Thursday 9 February 2012

The Pianist...

The Pianist is one of the movie that we have to watch for our Critical Literacy subject. For me, this is a very interesting movie. I feel interested to watch the movie after I heard about the title, "The Pianist".I keep thinking what is the relation between The pianist and jews but after watching the movie I can understand better.This movie is directed by Roman Polanski and the main actor is starring by Adrian Brody. Roman Polanski is a French-Polish film director, producer, writer and actor. He is very talented and had been nominated for 5 times in the Oscar Award. The Pianist have won three awards including Best Director and many international awards.Other than The Pianist, he has directed other films such as Knife in the Water, Repulsion, Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown, Pirates and Frantic. 

This a the picture of Roman Polanski in Paris, November 2011

Basically, The Pianist is slightly different from other movie because this movie is a true movie about World War 2. The turmoil that really happen during that time are clearly shown in the movie. As the audience, I feel like I am the one who is the victim of the Jewish. It is really touch my emotion when the people there have to suffer like that. They have been killing and German Army treat them like an animals thus their right as a human have been taken away.

The scene above is the scene that I love the most in this movie. For me, it is like a climax in this movie. It shows how the actor life can be save by just playing the piano. Besides that, it change my perception about the German army because all this while I always think that they are very cruel towards others but in this movie, the captain of the Wehrmacht, Wilm Hosenfeld (Thomas Kretschmann) let Władysław Szpilman (Adrien Brody) to stay in the attic of the building and even brings him food regularly. This prove that not all the people is cruel, there are also someone that really can be helpful. So,we cannot look into negative things only and we should try to be neutral. We have to look deeply about the certain things before making a conclusion. Don't just the books by it's cover.